Fig. 2.
PMF measurement in MG1655 cells. The PMF in MG1655 was measured at mid-log phase growth using the JC-1 dye. Cells were either untreated (MG1655 WT), or grown in the presence of pIV from pGJ4 (leaky expression, no addition of IPTG) (MG1655 + pIV), CCCP (40 μM for 30 min; MG1655 + CCCP), Valinomycin (10 μM for 30 min; MG1655 + Valinomycin) or simultaneously with both pIV from pGJ4 (leaky expression, no addition of IPTG) and Valinomycin (10 μM for 30 min; MG1655 + pIV + Valinomycin). Wild-type cells expressing pIV show no apparent drop in PMF compared to MG1655WT cells. CCCP and Valinomycin dissipate PMF (as seen through the marked decrease in red (590 nm) fluorescent cells). In addition, Psp effector proteins (induced by pIV) can not overcome the dissipation of PMF in presence of Valinomycin (Color figure online)