Effect of the DE loop on the strength of α4β7-mediated adhesion to MAdCAM-1. A–C, resistance to detachment of α4β7 293T transfectants at increasing wall shear stresses in 1 mm Ca2+ + 1 mm Mg2+ (A), in 0.5 mm Mn2+ (B), or in 1 mm Ca2+ + 1 mm Mg2+ after transfection with GFP-talin-head (C). D, resistance to detachment of human PBL stimulated with SDF-1α. The total number of cells remaining rolling and firmly adherent at increasing wall shear stress was determined as a percentage of adherent cells at 1 dyne/cm2. The experiment was performed on the surface coated with WT or mutant MAdCAM-1 (10 μg/ml). Error bars are ±S.D. (n = 3).