Ratios of elongation and breakage rate constants of fibrils formed from ScUre2p and SpUre2p determined from cross-seeding experiments
The values shown represent the mean and S.E. derived from three independent experiments. The values were determined as described in “Experimental Procedures,” where r is the ratio of rate constants for the two proteins in solution, for a given type and batch of seed; and η is the ratio of the ratios (see Eq. 6–8). A value of r+ > 1 means that the elongation rate for SpUre2p is greater than for ScUre2p; a value of 1/r− > 1 means that the breakage rate for ScUre2p is greater than for SpUre2p; a value of η+ or η− that deviates from unity indicates that the nature of the protein seed influences the elongation or breakage rate, respectively. N.A., not applicable.