Figure 2.
Vector integration site distribution and preferences in normal and tumor tissues. (A) Ideogram of integration patterns from hepatocellular carcinoma and adjacent normal datasets across mouse genome. (B) Genomic heatmap of integration frequency relative to genomic features. Integration site dataset names are shown above the columns. Genomic features analyzed are shown to the left of the corresponding row of heatmap. The heatmap compares each experimental dataset to the matched random controls relative to frequency of the indicated genomic feature. A colored receiver operating characteristic (ROC) area scale is shown along the bottom of the panel with increasing shades of blue indicating negative correlation relative to the genomic feature and increasing shades of red indicating positive correlation relative to the comparison set. Comparisons to genomic features were carried out as previously described.35,52 Asterisks summarize the statistical significance of departures from random (*P < .05; **P < .01; ***P < .001).