Gating of CFTR Cl− channels. (A and
B) Real (A) and schematic
(B) current traces are shown to depict the four kinetic
states of CFTR; closed (C), blocked (CB), an open state
susceptible to Mops block (O1), and an open state less susceptible to
Mops block (O2). Openings adjacent to the channel closed state (C), the
first and last openings, were identified as the O1 or O2 state on the
basis of their duration. (C) Closed duration histograms.
Closures were identified as C or CB by using a delimiter of
79 ms (arrow). Dashed lines indicate time constants as determined by a
least-square fit to the sum of two exponentials. Inset
shows long-duration event with expanded axes. (D)
Duration histograms of first openings. Data were fit by two
exponentials (dashed lines). The short openings (τ = 0.86 ms)
represent O1, and the longer openings (τ = 34.88 ms) represent
O2. The nadir (5.75 ms; arrow) delineated the two distributions.
(E) Duration histograms of last openings. Two
exponentials (dashed lines) identify O1 openings (τ = 0.86 ms)
and O2 openings (τ = 33.30 ms). Arrow indicates the nadir (2.04
ms). Data are representative examples from experiment no. 1006.