Figure. 2.
Inhibition of Nrf2 activity leads to ROS accumulation in A549-Nrf2shRNA and H460-Nrf2shRNA cells. (A–B) Comparison of ROS levels in A549 and H460 cells stably expressing Nrf2 shRNA. Cells expressing non-targeting Luc shRNA were used as control. Pretreatment with 20mM NAC decreased the ROS levels. ROS levels in cells expressing luciferase shRNA were same as the control untransfected cells. (C) ROS levels did not change significantly between the BEAS2B cells transfected with Nrf2 siRNA and the control non-targeting NS siRNA. *, p < 0.01 relative to the cells expressing luciferase shRNA; **, p < 0.01 relative to the cells pretreated with NAC.