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. 2011 Apr 4;6(4):e18306. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0018306

Table 2. SNPs and genes associated with resistance to lovastatin.

SNP ID (Affy.) dbSNP ID (rs number) Chr. location Alleles Minor allele in NCI60 panel (number of alleles*) Minor allele frequency in resistant cell lines (number of alleles*) Minor allele frequency in sensitive cell lines (number of alleles*) CHISQ Unadjusted p value Odds ratio Lower confidence interval (95) Upper confidence interval (95) FDR_BH Genomic location
1840275 rs2332056, rs4339143 3q13 T/C T (11/74) 0.01852 (1/54) 0.5 (10/20) 26.74 2.33E-07 0.01887 0.002168 0.1642 0.00712 intron 5 of EAF2
2032591 rs7667099 4q25 C/T C (28/86) 0.1774 (11/62) 0.7083 (17/24) 22.21 2.44E-06 0.08881 0.02971 0.2655 0.02485 intron 2 of ANK2
2123836 n/a 5p G/A G (8/88) 0 (0/64) 0.3333 (8/24) 23.47 1.27E-06 n/a n/a n/a 0.01939 between LOC340094 and LOC729099
2458853 rs3777486 6q23 T/C T (5/78) 0 (0/62) 0.3125 (5/16) 20.7 5.37E-06 n/a n/a n/a 0.04111 intron 1 of AKAP7
2379872 n/a 6p A/G A (18/72) 0.1 (5/50) 0.5909 (13/22) 19.64 9.37E-06 0.07692 0.02192 0.2699 0.0425 intron 1 of C6orf142
2415786 n/a 6q G/A G (11/82) 0.03333 (2/60) 0.4091 (9/22) 19.57 9.71E-06 0.04981 0.009604 0.2583 0.0425 between CNR1 and LOC644119
2601462 n/a 7q T/C T (6/72) 0 (0/54) 0.3333 (6/18) 19.64 9.37E-06 n/a n/a n/a 0.0425 intron 2 of STEAP2
361943 rs4298845 10q C/G C (13/76) 0.05357 (3/56) 0.5 (10/20) 20.71 5.33E-06 0.0566 0.01319 0.2429 0.04111 between NRG3 and LOC728027
678678 rs997269 12q G/A G (21/82) 0.1167 (7/60) 0.6364 (14/22) 22.82 1.78E-06 0.07547 0.02335 0.2439 0.03407 between TMEM132C and LOC644489
675821 rs4765299 12q T/C T (10/80) 0.01724 (1/58) 0.4091 (9/22) 22.39 2.22E-06 0.02534 0.002946 0.218 0.03407 between LOC644152 and LOC728171
749272 rs768826 13q T/C T (25/70) 0.2 (10/50) 0.75 (15/20) 18.82 1.44E-05 0.08333 0.02444 0.2841 0.03275 between DACH1 and LOC647277
733322 rs831223 13q C/T C (6/90) 0 (0/66) 0.25 (6/24) 17.68 2.62E-05 n/a n/a n/a 0.03673 between DIAPH3 and LOC341689
726318 n/a 13q T/C T (6/88) 0 (0/64) 0.25 (6/24) 17.17 3.42E-05 n/a n/a n/a 0.04159 between OLFM4 and LOC387930
888232 rs2888473 14q T/A T (12/74) 0.05357 (3/56) 0.5 (9/18) 19.98 7.82E-06 0.0566 0.01281 0.25 0.02856 between FLRT2 and LOC283584
880180 n/a 14q G/A G (16/78) 0.08621 (5/58) 0.55 (11/20) 19.62 9.45E-06 0.07719 0.02164 0.2753 0.02876 between LOC730007 and DIO2
814584 rs1950874 14p A/G A (12/84) 0.03333 (2/60) 0.4167 (10/24) 20.57 5.74E-06 0.04828 0.009492 0.2455 0.02856 between NOVA1 and OR7K1P
819408 rs1033706 14p C/T C (17/82) 0.08621 (5/58) 0.5 (12/24) 17.69 2.60E-05 0.09434 0.02794 0.3186 0.03673 between PRKD1 and SYF2P (pseudogene)
1621189 n/a 21q G/A G (8/88) 0 (0/64) 0.3333 (8/24) 23.47 1.27E-06 n/a n/a n/a 0.02321 between CYCSP42 and USP25
1009300 rs1019553 16p G/T G (4/74) 0 (0/60) 0.2857 (4/14) 18.12 2.07E-05 n/a n/a n/a 0.03673 between PRM1 and C16orf75
1164490 rs7233911 18p C/T C (17/80) 0.1 (6/60) 0.55 (11/20) 18.15 2.04E-05 0.09091 0.02685 0.3078 0.03673 between LOC284230 and ZNF519
1152242 rs641287 18p11 A/T A (17/84) 0.1061 (7/66) 0.5556 (10/18) 17.7 2.58E-05 0.09492 0.02814 0.3202 0.03673 intron 4 of LPIN2
1280595 rs1650937 19q A/C A (9/80) 0.01724 (1/58) 0.3636 (8/22) 19.17 1.20E-05 0.0307 0.003542 0.2661 0.03122 located in LOC204800 (a pseudogene)
1621191 rs2823460 21q A/G A (7/78) 0 (0/54) 0.2917 (7/24) 20.28 6.69E-06 n/a n/a n/a 0.02856 between USP25 and CYCSP42
1625348 rs2824643 21q T/C T (9/82) 0.01724 (1/58) 0.3333 (8/24) 17.36 3.10E-05 0.03509 0.004081 0.3017 0.04036 between LOC643081 and CHODL
1709633 n/a 22q A/G A (27/88) 0.1719 (11/64) 0.6667 (16/24) 20.09 7.38E-06 0.1038 0.03564 0.3021 0.02856 intron 11 of PARVB

Genome wide association test results for Lovastatin. n/a: not applicable, as the minor allele frequency of the alleles in one group (the resistant cell line group) is 0, these calculations cannot be performed.

*Please note that the number of alleles may differ in each marker due to missing genotypes in the panel.