Neuroprotective effect of EGb 761 and its constituents. (A) Schematic diagram of experimental protocol. Vehicle or test drugs were administered after 4 h of pMCAO, and mice survived for 7 d to evaluate NDS and infarct volume. (B and C) Representative TTC stained brain slices and graph show reduced infarct volumes and NDS of WT mice treated with Ginkgo biloba (EGb 761), Bilobalide (BB), Ginkgolide A (GA), Ginkgolide B (GB) and Terpene Free Material (TFM). Vehicle (n=6); BB (n=10); GA (n=9), GB (n=8), TFM (n=9), EGb 761 (n=8). *p<0.05 vs. corresponding vehicle control.