Figure 4. EZH2 requires Akt-1 to regulate the intracellular localization of BRCA1.
A. Immunoblots of MCF10A and CAL51 cells show that EZH2 expression regulates Akt-1 protein, while it has no effect on Akt-2 or Akt-3 protein levels. B. Western blot of MCF10A-pLVX-EZH2 cells treated with siRNA control or siRNA-Akt-1, siRNA-Akt-2, or siRNA-Akt-3 and then subjected to Dox for 3 days to induce EZH2 overexpression. Immunoblot shows specific inhibition of Akt isoforms. C. Cells described in B as well as pLVX-EZH2 untreated or treated with Dox were subjected to immunofluorescence analyses of BRCA1 protein at the indicated time points after release from cell cycle block at G1/S. Representative confocal images at 3 h after release from cell cycle block.Greater than 500 cells were counted per slide, in triplicate. Mean intensity of BRCA1 protein in the nucleus was normalized to the total intensity utilizing the ImageJ NIH program. Error bars are the standard deviation. * p<0.05.