Fig. 4.
Nutrients control lysosomal positioning by modulating pHi and lysosomal levels of KIF2 and ARL8B. (a) Starvation increases pHi in HeLa cells allowed to starve using three different protocols (see Methods) with or without subsequent recovery. (b-d) Changing pHi from 7.1 to 7.7 is sufficient to affect localisation of lysosomes and mTORC1 activity. pHi was titrated in full tissue culture medium containing nigericin, which allows one to force changes in pHi by altering pH in the medium, followed by immunostaining (b, c) or western blotting (d) using antibodies as shown. (e) Changes in lysosomal localisation have no effect on pHi. ARL8B and KIF2 were overexpressed or knocked down in HeLa cells followed by pHi measurement. (f, g) Nutrients and pHi affect levels of ARL8 and KIF2 in lysosomal fractions. Protein levels and their quantification in total cellular lysates or in isolated lysosomal fractions from HeLa cells subjected to 1 h nutrient deprivation/recovery (f) or to 1 h changes of pHi in full tissue culture medium containing nigericin (g) are shown. (h, i) Effect of nutrients and pHi on binding of ARL8 and KIF2 to polymerised microtubules. HeLa cells treated as in panels (f) and (g), followed by isolation of polymerised microtubule fraction and western blotting. Asterisk indicates a nonspecific band.
For all panels values are means ± s.e.m. of three independent experiments performed in triplicate. All comparisons are with the control within each treatment condition, * p < 0.05, ** p < 0.01, *** p < 0.005 t-test; n.s. not significant. Uncropped images of blots are shown in Supplementary Fig. 7.