Table I. Demographics of Patients with Peripheral Arterial Disease by Treatment Era.
Variable | Early BMS Era (N=180) |
BMS Era (N=339) |
DES Era (N=347) |
Ptrend |
Mean age (years) | 67.9 | 67.6 | 68.9 | 0.23 |
Female | 42.8% | 37.8% | 34.3% | 0.06 |
White Race | 87.2% | 80.5% | 77.2% | 0.02 |
Mean Body Mass Index (kg/m2) | 27.4 | 28.6 | 28.2 | 0.26 |
Prior percutaneous coronary intervention | 40.0% | 40.1% | 46.5% | 0.18 |
Prior coronary artery bypass graft | 32.2% | 33.6% | 34.5% | 0.87 |
Prior myocardial infarction | 48.0% | 41.1% | 32.8% | <0.001 |
Diabetes mellitus | 40.8% | 43.4% | 46.0% | 0.25 |
Insulin treated diabetes mellitus | 17.2% | 21.2% | 17.6% | 0.85 |
Hypertension* | 70.5% | 83.3% | 90.8% | <0.001 |
Heart failure | 20.8% | 23.1% | 20.3% | 0.76 |
Hypercholesterolemia** | 68.7% | 74.5% | 85.3% | <0.001 |
Cerebrovascular disease | 18.9% | 18.3% | 21.3% | 0.41 |
Pulmonary disease | 13.9% | 17.4% | 17.0% | 0.44 |
Renal disease | 13.9% | 17.7% | 21.3% | 0.03 |
Current Smoker | 20.5% | 27.3% | 24.4% | 0.24 |
Hypertension = blood pressure ≥ 140 mmHg systolic or ≥ 90 mmHg diastolic on 2 occasions or if the patient is currently on antihypertensive medications
Hypercholesterolemia = repeated values for serum cholesterol > 240mg/100ml or if a physician has medically treated the participant for high cholesterol