Histopathology of eyes. Panels (i–iii) are of control unglued eyes, panels (iv–vi) are of JG glued eyes, and panels (vii–ix) are of ce6 glued eyes. Panels (i), (iv), and (vii) are at 1 day after wounding; panels (ii), (v), and (vii) are at 7 days after wounding. Panels (iii), (vi), and (ix) are at 14 days after wounding. In all cases the scale bar is 200 μm. Abbreviations are: ac, anterior chamber; ad, adhesion; ce, corneal epithelium; cs, corneal stroma; e, edema; g, glue; i, iris; in, inflammation; mn, mononuclear cells; n, neutrophils; nv, neovascularization; v, vacuoles. [Figure can be viewed in color online via www.interscience.wiley.com.]