PreNMDARs regulate transmission at synaptically coupled L4–L2/3 pairs. A1, Example AMPA-uEPSCs from one coupled presynaptic L4 cell and postsynaptic L2/3 cell in response to a pair of presynaptic spikes during baseline (solid black) and 50 μm
d-APV (gray). Each trace shown is the average of the last 10 sweeps of each condition. Inset, Regular-spiking pattern for presynaptic L4 cell. A2, Top, Effect of d-APV on first AMPA-uEPSC amplitude for this cell pair. Bottom, Postsynaptic holding current, postsynaptic series resistance, postsynaptic input resistance, presynaptic membrane potential, and presynaptic input resistance for this pair. B, Mean effect of d-APV on first AMPA-uEPSC amplitude across seven cell pairs (filled circles) and across four control cell pairs without d-APV (open circles). C, Change in PPR caused by d-APV application (filled circles) and for control pairs (open circles). Error bars represent population means. *p < 0.05. D, CV analysis of effects of d-APV on first AMPA-uEPSC amplitude. Small filled circles, CV−2 versus mean EPSC amplitude for each pair in which 50 μm
d-APV was applied. Large filled circle, Population average and SE for these pairs. Large open circle, Average effect on control pairs with no d-APV application. All values are normalized to the baseline period for each pair.