Figure 5.
Confined diffusion depends on criticality and the linear density of pinning sites. (A) The ratio of D100μs/D50ms obtained from MSD curves such as those shown in Fig. 4 are used to quantify the confinement of black crosses as a function of temperature and picket density. Near criticality, very weak pinning sites induce a large amount of confinement, whereas far from criticality, even dense pinning leads to only slightly confined diffusion. (B) Representative simulation snapshots 1 and 2 have similar levels of confinement (parameters indicated in part A). (C and D) The ratio of D100μs/D50ms is plotted as a function of composition and picket density plot at 37°C (1.05 Tc) for both black (C) and white (D) traced crosses. When the composition is varied, whichever of the two types is disconnected diffuses with more confinement (B, images 3 and 4). The surface is a smoothed interpolation of the values from the black data points. Morone et al. (24) and Murase et al. (25) reported experimental values between 5 (thick gray line) and 50 (thick dashed line), which are similar to the numbers found here. (Color online.)