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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2011 Apr 8.
Published in final edited form as: School Psych Rev. 2010;39(1):3–21.

Table 2.

Pretest and Post-Test Performance on Reading Measures for Typical Students

Measure n Pre M Pre SD FU M FU SD d Pre d Post CI (Post)
Letter-Word Identification 231 106.34 13.0 107.64 12.3 −1.08 −0.97 −1.17 to −0.77
Word Attacka 231 103.87 10.9 105.78 11.5 −0.74 −0.71 −0.90 to −0.51
Spellinga,b 231 108.66 12.2 −0.99 −1.19 to −0.79
TAKS 243 2,298.2 133.5 2,411.7 213.1 −2.34 −1.16 −1.37 to −0.95
Reading Comprehension 248 101.25 11.4 101.53 12.5 −1.14 −1.17 −1.37 to −0.97
Passage Comprehension 231 99.16 11.0 100.32 10.0 −1.10 −1.15 −1.36 to −0.94
Sight Word Efficiency 231 102.90 12.4 105.58 12.3 −0.76 −0.76 −0.95 to −0.56
Phonemic Decoding
231 105.14 14.3 106.49 13.6 −0.71 −0.66 −0.86 to −0.47
Mazes 247 23.30 8.4 34.17 10.4 −0.95 −0.90 −1.09 to−0.70
Sentence Reading
247 100.04 12.5 109.49 16.9 1.15 −1.09 −1.28 to −0.89
Word List Fluency 233 86.64 24.2 96.34 26.3 −0.74 −0.59 −0.78 to −0.40
Passage Fluency 233 138.48 31.3 162.39 36.1 −0.95 −0.90 −1.10 to −0.70

Note. Awe, Pre M mean of pretest performance: FU M = unadjusted mean of posttest performance: CI = confidence interval: Letter-Word Identification, Word Attack. Spelling, and Passage Comprehension = subtests of the Woodcock Johnson—III Tests of Academic Achievement, where reported means are standard scores: TAKS - Texas Assessment of Knowledge and Skills, the state accountability measure, where means are scaled scores (a score of 2.100 is passing); Reading Comprehension = subtest of the Group Reading Assessment and Diagnostic Evaluation where reported means are standard scores: Sight Word Efficiency and Phonemic Decoding Efficiency = subtests of the Test of Word Reading Efficiency, reported in standard scores; Mazes = subtest from AIMSweb, reported in terms of the number of target words correctly identified in 3 min: Sentence Reading Efficiency = Test of Sentence Reading Efficiency, where scores are reported in standard scores; Word List Fluency and Passage Fluency = investigator-created measures and are reported in terms of words correctly read in 1 min, equated for form effects, and averaged over all the stories read (five passages were read at pretest, three passages were read at post-test, and three word lists were read at both pretest and post-test): Tier 2 = intervention group The d values presented are for difference at pretest and at post-test between students who received Tier 2 versus those in the typical group, with negative values reflecting means that favor the typical group (CIs provided for post-test only). Means and standard deviations for students in Tier 2 are presented in Table 1.


F values are for the (centered) treatment effect in the context of the observed significant interaction of pretest and treatment group.


Pretest means are for the covariate utilized (Letter-Word Identification standard score) Interactions involving site, age, and additional instruction are not reflected above, but are reported in text.