Table 1.
Prevalence of HR-HPV by demographic characteristics and cytology results among AI/AN women compared with the entire HSS study, 2003–2005
aHR-HPV prevalence by polymerase chain reaction testing
bMultiracial refers to more than one race excluding AI/AN.
cNine AI/AN and 335 non-AI/AN women were missing Papanicolaou smear test results.
dIncludes atypical squamous cells—cannot exclude high-grade lesion, low-grade squamous intraepithelial lesion, high-grade squamous intraepithelial lesion, and atypical glandular cells results
HR-HPV = high-risk human papillomavirus
AI/AN = American Indian/Alaska Native
HSS = HPV Sentinel Surveillance
CI = confidence interval
NA = not applicable
ASC-US = atypical squamous cells of undetermined significance