Figure 4. 114 differentially expressed genes identified triple negative breast cancer cell lines as most responsive to BMS-754807.
A. 136 differentially expressed probesets, representing 114 genes, were analyzed in 51 breast cancer cell line profiles published by Neve et. al (38) with known and unknown IC50. S=sensitive (IC50<4μM), M=Medium (IC50 = 4μM<14μM), R=Resistant (IC50>14μM). In addition, the ER, PR and Her2 status is indicated (P = positive, N = negative). Gene-cluster indicates the breast cancer subtype as defined in the original gene expression study by Neve et al. (A = basal A, B = basal B, L = Luminal). B. 136 differentially expressed probesets, representing 114 genes, were analyzed in two published data sets of clinical breast tumors from Desmedt and Hoadley. Within the ER-positive and ER-negative as well as the distinct breast cancer subtype tumors are ordered from those with the least similarity to the 114 gene signature pattern to those with the highest similarity to the 114 gene signature.