Figure 5. Chromosomal positions of EGO-1 targets.
L4 and adult. Genes whose small RNA abundance is decreased 3-fold [red, DOWN] or increased 3-fold [blue, UP] in ego-1[om84] relative to ego-1[+] with a posterior probability ratio [PPR] < 0.005. Chromosome size and gene positions are drawn to scale. [I] 104 genes DOWN, 1 gene UP. [II] 82 genes DOWN, 5 genes UP. [III] 101 genes DOWN, 6 genes UP. [IV] 79 genes DOWN, 4 genes UP. [V] 56 genes DOWN, 2 genes UP. [X] 15 genes DOWN, 2 genes UP. We found only 15 putative targets (437 total) to be on the X chromosome (p-value ~ 1.49×10−13). Correcting for multiple hypotheses, we found that EGO-1 targets are significantly underrepresented on the X chromosome.