Table 1.
Gene 1 | Gene 2 | Type | Duplication | Time (Years Ago) | Buffering Relationship |
HAL5 | SAT4 | kk | old | 600 M – 2 G | complete redundancy |
ARK1 | PRK1 | kk | whole genome | 125 M | complete redundancy |
PTP2 | PTP3 | pp | recent | 125 M – 600 M | complete redundancy |
YCK1 | YCK2 | kk | whole genome | 125 M | complete redundancya |
PTC1 | PTC2 | pp | old | 600 M – 2 G | quantitative redundancy |
PTC1 | PPH3 | pp | not homologous | quantitative redundancy | |
PBS2 | PTK2 | kk | ancient | >2G | mixed epistasis |
CLA4 | SLT2 | kk | ancient | >2G | mixed epistasis |
CLA4 | HSL1 | kk | ancient | >2G | mixed epistasis |
SNF1 | RIM11 | kk | ancient | >2G | mixed epistasis |
BCK1 | PTP3 | kp | not homologous | mixed epistasis | |
SLT2 | PTP3 | kp | not homologous | mixed epistasis | |
FUS3b | KSS1 | kk | recent | 125 M – 600 M | mixed epistasis |
ELM1 | MIH1 | kp | not homologous | mixed epistasisc | |
CLA4 | BCK1 | kk | ancient | >2G | mixed epistasisc |
DUN1 | PPH3 | kp | not homologous | mixed epistasisc | |
CKA2 | CKA1 | kk | recent | 125 M – 600 M | not classifieda |
YPK1b | YPK2 | kk | whole genome | 125 M | not classifieda |
PTK1 | PTK2 | kk | whole genome | 125 M | not classifieda |
HSL1 | MIH1 | kp | not homologous | not classifieda | |
SKY1 | PTK2 | kk | ancient | >2G | not classifieda |
Double mutant is inviable, confirming a buffering effect.
Included based on previously reported redundancy.
Double mutant was aneuploid; aneuploid chromosomes were excluded from analysis.
Determination of paralogy relative to important radiations and events was performed by integration of information available in several orthology and homology databases. The timings in years are estimates derived from literature (Extended Experimental Procedures).