Figure 4. The sNPF receptor is upregulated upon starvation and mediates presynaptic facilitation in sensory neurons.
A, Two-photon imaging of ORN axon terminal calcium activity in response to cider vinegar stimulation at 0.4% SV in fed flies. B, Representative traces of fluorescence change over time for the five glomeruli excited by 0.1% cider vinegar in control flies (top) and those expressing sNPF-RNAi in ORNs (sNPFi) (bottom). C, Peak ΔF/F across a range of cider vinegar concentrations for each glomerulus. n=10–12 each condition; error bars show SEM. *P<0.05; t-test comparing starved control to fed control. Control flies have Or83b-Gal4 and UAS-GCaMP, and sNPFi flies also have UAS-sNPF-RNAi transgenes. D–G, ORNs axon terminal calcium activity in response to electrical stimulation of the olfactory nerve before and after application of sNPF. D, Representative traces of fluorescence change over time from the DM1 glomerulus of fed and starved flies in saline and after addition of 10μM sNPF. E, Peak ΔF/F before and after sNPF. F, Percent increase in peak ΔF/F after exogenous sNPF addition in DM1. G, Percent increase in peak ΔF/F after sNPF addition in starved flies, for the five glomeruli that respond to cider vinegar. Stimulation was 1 ms in duration, 10 V in amplitude and 16 pulses at 100 Hz. n=5–6; error bars show SEM; *P<0.05, **P<0.01, ***P<0.001, t-test. The flies have Or83b-Gal4 and UAS-GCaMP, and UAS-sNPF-RNAi transgenes.