Acquisition (Acq) and retention are expressed as mean latency ± SEM (in seconds, sec). Latency scores, n and detailed statistic are reported in Table S1. See also Figure S1. (A) Hippocampal injections of DAB 15 min before IA training had no effect on short-term memory tested at 1 hr after training (n=7/group).
(B and C) Hippocampal injections of DAB 15 min before (B, n=11/group) or immediately after training (C, n=7-9/group) disrupted long-term memory at 24 hr (Test 1). The disruption persisted 7 days after training (Test 2), and memory did not recover after a reminder shock (Test 3). DAB-injected rats had normal retention after retraining (Test 4).
(D) Hippocampal injections of DAB 24 hr after IA training did not affect long-term memory (n=8/group).
(E) Hippocampal injections of isofagomine 15 min before training disrupted long-term memory (n=8-9/group). * p < 0.05.