Significant SNP locations for TGFB2 (A), TGFBR2 (B) ans SMAD3 (C) Arrows show the location of significant SNPs genotyped in this study. Gene structure and the location of SNPs are shown: boxes= exons and 3′ and 5′ untranslated regions;. Underlined text highlights SNPs with nominal p<0.01. Letter code above SNP rs# refers to type of analysis and cohort: CC: susceptibility in Cohort 1 (Supplemental Table 5), TDT: susceptibility in Cohort 2 (Table 2), CAA3 and CAA4: association with CAA in Cohort 3 and Cohort 4, respectively (Supplemental Table 6), CAZ: association with CA Z-worst (Supplemental Table 7), AoR; association with AoR Z-worst (Supplemental Table 8), IVIG; association with IVIG treatment response (Supplemental Table 9). LD maps are shown for SNPs of interest.