(A) Upper panels, anxiety-like behaviors were significantly elicited when nest/food/water cup were removed from homecage (n = 10; mean ± SEM). *P<0.05, ***P<0.001 by t-test. Lower panels, rate histograms of two simultaneously recorded type-1 BLA neurons in response to the removal (twice; at 0:00 & 40:00, respectively) and return (twice; at 30:00 & 56:30, respectively) of the nest/food/water cup in the homecage. (B-D) Left panels, rate histograms of type-1 BLA neurons in response to open-field-like environmental exposures and external stimuli deliveries. Horizontal lines below each histogram indicate the exposure durations. Arrows indicate the time onset of food delivery (B), shake stimuli (C) and foot-shocks (D). Right panels, perievent raster plots and the perievent histograms referenced to each external stimulus on the left, respectively.