Table 2.
Naive, replication and bias-reduced genome-wide BR-squared regression coefficient (β) estimates of the significant SNP associated with HbA1c in the DCCT samples
Chr | SNP | Pos (Mb) | MAF | Risk allele | p valuea | Naive betab | Replication betac | BR-squared betad | SDe | Percentage reductionf |
10 | rs1358030 | 108.1 | 0.36 | C | 4.66E–09 | 0.045 | 0.005 | 0.003 | 0.013 | 93% |
aThe association p value using the 667 samples from the DCCT CON group
bThe naive estimate of the regression coefficient beta using the 667 CON samples without accounting for the threshold effect
cThe beta estimated from the independent 637 samples from the DCCT INT group
dThe bias-reduced beta estimate provided by BR-squared using 1,000 level 1 bootstrap samples and with α = 5 × 10−8
eSD of the BR-squared beta estimate based on 100 level 2 bootstrap samples
fThe percentage reduction in the estimates as measured by 1 − bootstrap.beta/naive.beta