Figure 5.
Treatment with FLLL32 decreased pSTAT3 and total STAT3 expression in canine and human OSA cell lines. A) Canine (OSA8, OSA16, and D17) or human (SJSA and U2OS) OSA cell lines were treated with DMSO, curcumin, or FLLL32 for 24 hours prior to collection. Protein lysates were generated and separated by SDS-PAGE and western blotting for pSTAT3 (Y705), total STAT3, and β-actin was performed. Experiments were repeated two times. B) Canine (OSA8 and 16) or human (SJSA) OSA cell lines were treated with DMSO, 10 μM curcumin, or 10 μM FLLL32 for 24 hours. RNA was collected and RT-PCR was performed for STAT3 and GAPDH. Experiments were repeated two times. C) Canine OSA cell line OSA8 was treated with DMSO, curcumin, or FLLL32 for 24 hours prior to collection. Protein lysates were generated and separated by SDS-PAGE and Western blotting for ubiquitin, STAT3, and β-actin was performed. Experiments were repeated two times. D) OSA8 was treated with DMSO or FLLL32 for 4 hours prior to collection. Protein lysates were generated and STAT3 was immunoprecipitated. Protein was separated by SDS-PAGE and western blotting for ubiquitin and STAT3 was performed. Experiments were repeated two times.