Fig. 1.
Effects of insulin on amiloride-sensitive cells. A: steady-state current in a mouse taste cell during whole cell patch-clamp recording. Shown is a continuous recording from a fungiform taste cell during the application of insulin (10 nM), insulin with amiloride (Amil; 30 μM), and insulin in Na+-free Tyrode's solution. Taste cells, like this one, showed a marked increase in sodium (Na+) inward current by the application of insulin. Solid line indicates timing of normal physiological saline. B: insulin dose-response curve. Insulin was applied by bath perfusion at 1, 3, 5, 7.5, 10, and 20 nM. Data points are means ± SE of the current enhancement as function of insulin concentration. Solid line is the statistically weighted best-fit logistic relation with EC50 = 7.53 nM.