Preventive medicine and general health |
Geographic |
Patients reported better screening of blood pressure, cholesterol, and cervical cytology. They reported ease of following advice for smoking cessation, exercise and diet |
Longitudinal |
Improvement in control of hypertension and more compliance with medication
Blood pressure and cholesterol are checked regularly
Decrease in illness visits
Improvement in diagnosis of bacterial meningitis
Fewer missed appointments
Less smoking, more exercise and weight control
Maternity and child health |
Relational (midwife) |
Team (midwifery) |
Longitudinal |
Behavioural, mental and psycho-social health |
Team |
Relational |
Increased trust, confidence, and rapport between the patient and the healthcare professional; patient discloses psychosocial problems
Greater enablement in the consultation and increased patient satisfaction
Patients less likely to have drug and alcohol abuse behaviour
Healthcare professionals became better at understanding patients’ social and family context; they becomes better at identifying patients’ psychosocial problems and unspecific symptoms
Cancer |
Geographic |
Longitudinal |
Asthma |
Relational |
Longitudinal |
Diabetes |
Relational |
Longitudinal |
Good preventive measurements (more foot examinations, blood glucose monitoring, retinal examinations, etc.) and usually better diabetic control
Team |