Mice with activated Kras with or without Stat3 signaling (Ptf1a-Cre; KrasG12D and Ptf1a-Cre; KrasG12D; Stat3f/f, respectively), were injected with PBS (A-C) or caerulein (D-V) and sacrificed either 7 or 21 days post-injection. The following stains were performed.
(A-B) Alcian blue stain showing spontaneously formed PanINs.
(C) Alcian blue positive lesion in total pancreas area of Ptf1a-Cre; KrasG12D (N = 6) and Ptf1a-Cre; KrasG12D; Stat3f/f (N = 3) mice. Means ± SD. ** p < 0.01.
(D-G) H&E. Fewer ductal and more acinar structures observed in Stat3-deficient mice.
(H-K) Amylase. Stat3-deficient mice retained larger areas of amylase-expressing epithelium.
(L-O) CK19. Mice with Stat3-intact display more CK19-positive ductal structures.
(P-S) p-Stat3.
(T-U) Alcian blue stain, 21 days post caerulein.
(V) Alcian blue positive lesion in total pancreas area of Ptf1a-Cre; KrasG12D and Ptf1a-Cre; KrasG12D; Stat3f/f mice. Means ± SD (N = 3). ** p < 0.01.
Scale bars, 100μm.
See also Figure S2.