Figure 6.
Cck expression in the hippocampal formation and periventricular stratum. (A) Camera lucida drawing of a parasagittal section depicting the caudomedial auditory telencephalon and hippocampal formation (location indicated in Fig. 1A). Rectangles indicate the location of the photomicrographs in B–D. (B) Detail view of Cck-labeled cells within the hippocampal formation in a parasagittal brain section; the dashed lines indicate the location of the ventricle and pial surface between the cerebellum and NCM. (C) Detail view of labeled cells along a narrow periventricular band beneath the ventral-most region of the parahippocampal area (APH, arrows) and the dorsal portion of the caudal mesopallium (CM, arrowheads); he approximate location of the ventricle is depicted by the dashed line. (D) Bright-field view of Nissl-stained cells in a parasagittal section immediately adjacent to that shown in C; arrows and arrowheads are at the same relative positions as the ones in C. Scale bars: 200 µm for B; 100 µm for C–D; For abbreviations see Table 1.