Table 1.
A | arcopallium |
A11 | All dopaminergic cell group |
APH | area parahippocampalis |
Bas | nucleus basorostralis |
CA | anterior commissure |
CDL | area corticoidea dorsolateralis |
CM | caudal mesopallium |
CMM | caudomedial mesopallium |
DLM | medial part of the dorsolateral nucleus of thalamus |
DM | dorsal medial nucleus of the ICo |
DMA | dorsomedial nucleus of the anterior thalamus |
DR | dorsal raphae nuclei |
E | entopallium |
FPL | fasciculus prosencephali lateralis |
GP | globus pallidus |
H | hyperpallium |
Hb | habenula |
HP | hippocampus |
HVC | HVC(as proper name) |
ICo | nucleus intercollicularis |
IsPC | nucleus isthmi, pars parvocellularis |
IsO | nucleus isthmo-opticus |
L2a | subfield L2a of field L |
LMAN | lateral magnocellular nucleus of the anterior nidopallium |
M | mesopallium |
MLd | nucleus mesencephalicus lateralis, pars dorsalis |
mlf | medial longitudinal fascicle |
MMAN | medial magnocellular nucleus of the anterior nidopallium |
MnR | median Raphe nucleus |
N | nidopallium |
NCM | caudomedial nidopallium |
Nif | nucleus interfacialis |
NIII | oculomotor nerve |
nIV | nucleus of the trochlear nerve |
OMv | ventral part of the oculomotor nerve nucleus |
OT | optic tract |
Ovcore | nucleus ovoidallis(core) |
Ovshell | nucleus ovoidallis(shell) |
PC | piriform cortex |
PrV | principal trigeminal nerve nucleus |
PT | nuclus pretectalis |
RA | robust nucleus of the arcopallium |
Re | reticular nucleus of the thalamus |
Rt | nucleus rotundus |
SNr | substantia nigra pars reticularis |
Sp | nucleus spiriformis |
St | striatum |
V | optic tectum |
TeO | ventricle |
X | area X |
Tel | telencephalon |
Th | thalamus |
tOv | tractus ovoidalis |
VTA | ventral tegmental area |