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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2012 Apr 1.
Published in final edited form as: J Sex Med. 2011 Jan 26;8(4):1048–1060. doi: 10.1111/j.1743-6109.2010.02195.x

Table 3. Changes in Gene expression profile of angiogenesis related pathways determined by RT-PCR array after 45 days BCNR and SIL treatment.

Pooled penile Total RNA from 45 days Sham, BCNR and BCNR+SIL were subjected to RT PCR array utilizing the Rat Angiogenesis RT2 Profiler™ PCR Array.. The ratios between the sham vs. BCNR and BCNR vs. BCNR+SIL were normalized by RPLP1, RPLP3 and LDH housekeeping genes and were calculated for the assays performed in quadruplicates Genes that were +2.0 fold up regulated are labeled in red, genes down regulated by −2.0 are labeled in blue. Genes regulated by less than ± 2 fold are labeled in black.

Sham vs BCNR BCNR vs. SIL
Symbol Gene name Fold change Fold change
Ctgf Connective tissue growth factor 2.99 −3.00
Cxcl2 Chemokine (C-X-C motif) ligand 2 2.01 −2.01
Efna1 Ephrin A1 1.22 2.09
Efna2 Ephrin A2 1.26 2.06
Epas1 Hypoxia fibroblast factor 2.00 −2.00
Ereg Epiregulin −14.83 6.57
Fn1 Fibronectin 1 −4.33 −2.44
Id1 Inhibitor of DNA binding 1 −2.00 1.25
Ifnb1 Interferon beta 1, fibroblast 2.00 4.26
Il1b Interleukin 1 beta 2.01 −1.16
Itga5 Integrin alpha 5 −2.13 2.43
Mapk14 Mitogen activated protein kinase 14 3.00 −1.10
Mmp9 Matrix metallopeptidase 9 −1.50 8.21
Npr1 Natriuretic peptide receptor 1 −3.40 4.08
Nrp1 Neuropilin 1 −1.45 3.04
Nrp2 Neuropilin 2 −2.49 5.12
Pdgfa Platelet derived growth factor, alpha −2.00 2.00
Pdgfb Platelet derived growth factor, B polypeptide −3.28 2.00
Pecam Platelet/endothelial cell adhesion molecule −2.62 −1.64
Thbs4 Thrombospondin 4 −4.18 −1.27
Timp2 Tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase 2 −2.13 1.17
Tnf Tumor necrosis factor 2.20 2.4
Vegfa Vascular endothelial growth factor A −1.20 2.76
Vegfb Vascular endothelial growth factor B −1.36 2.67