Figure 5.
Endogenous CPG15 is required for cortical progenitor survival in vitro. (a–d) Cortical progenitor cultures stained with the progenitor marker nestin (red), the neuronal marker neurofilament-M (Nf-M) (blue) and Hoechst nuclear staining (pseudocolored green). (e) Quantification of a–d and an additional EGFP lentivirus control. Comparison of total number of cells per field staining positive for nestin or Nf-M (*P < 0.001). Infection with the cpg15 shRNA lentivirus (cpg15-sh), but not the scrambled control, leads to a marked decrease in the number of neural progenitors. (f) Quantification of apoptotic cells in a–d and an additional EGFP lentivirus control. Knockdown of CPG15 is accompanied by a significant increase in number of apoptotic cells (*P < 0.001). Scale bar, 100 μm.