Figure 1.
We fitted the liver-re-growth model, i.e., equation (3) described in the Supplementary Note 3 by Snoeck et al1, to the mean kinetic data of regeneration of liver volume that was digitized from Fig. 1 of Pomfret et al2 (open circles) and from Fig. 1A of Nadalin et al.4 (filled circles). Solid curves represent the best fits (using Berkeley-Madonna, Version 8.3.9 ( of the liver cell number divided by the original cell count, i.e., Tmax as defined by Snoeck et al. Except for the maximum liver proliferation rate constant, r, all the other parameters of the liver-re-growth model were held constant as described in the Supplementary Note 3 by Snoeck et al1. Dashed lines represent model curves with r=0.0056 day-1 as suggested by Snoeck et al1. We assume that the remnant livers reach ∼80% of the original volume (i.e., 0.8×Tmax) as observed by Pomfret et al. and Nadalin et al.