Figure 6. Antitumor activity of tumor-penetrating microparticles.
(A) Kaplan–Meier plot. (B) Distribution of time of deaths. Mice were implanted with 20 × 106 SKOV3 cells intraperitoneally on day 0. At 28 days later, mice were treated with physiologic saline (control: n = 12, solid diamonds, solid line), a single dose of 40 mg/kg paclitaxel/Crem (n = 15; open circles, broken line), four doses of 10 mg/kg paclitaxel/Crem twice weekly (n = 8; open diamonds, broken line), eight doses of 15 mg/kg paclitaxel/Crem twice weekly (n = 8; open squares, broken line), a single dose of priming TPMs (40 mg/kg paclitaxel; n = 8; solid circles, solid line), a single dose of sustaining TPMs (80 mg/kg paclitaxel; n = 9; solid triangles, solid line) or a single dose of two-comp TPMs (120 mg/kg paclitaxel, 1:2 priming:sustaining; n = 9; solid squares, solid line). Two animals in single-dose paclitaxel/Crem died within 10 days after treatments and were censored. Animals remaining at the end of experiments (between 163 and 174 days) were euthanized; these include two mice in the priming TPM group, two in the sustaining TPM group, three in the two-comp TPM group and two in the eight 15 mg/kg paclitaxel/Crem dose group. None of these animals showed visible tumors in the peritoneal cavity and were considered long-term cures.
Comp: Component; Crem: Cremophor; TPM: Tumor-penetrating microparticle.
Reproduced with permission from [130].