Figure 3. miR-34a inhibits clonal and clonogenic properties of PCa cells.
a. Holoclone assays in Du145 cells. Cells transfected with miR-NC (NC) or miR-34a (34a) oligos were used in three experiments (Exp. I, 100 cells/well scored on d 9; Exp. II, 100 cells/well scored on d 13; Exp. III, 500 cells/well scored on d 7). b. Clonogenic assays in Du145 cells. Cells (3,000/well) were plated in MG and colonies counted on day 13. NT, non-transfected. c. MG clonogenic assays in LAPC4 cells. Two experiments were performed (Exp. I, 1,250 cells/well scored on d 5, *P = 0.005; Exp. II, 25,000 cells/well scored on d 5, **P = 0.015). d. Sphere assays in LAPC4 cells. LAPC4 cells infected with lenti-ctl (C) or lenti-34a were plated (10,000 cells/well) for both 1° and 2° assays and spheres scored on d 15. e. Holoclone assays in PPC-1 cells. Cells transfected with miR-NC or miR-34a oligos were plated (500 cells/well) in triplicate and holoclones quantified on d 5. f. Sphere assays in HPCa101 (Gleason 9) cells. Purified HPCa101 cells infected with lenti-ctl (C) or lenti-34a were plated (20,000 cells/well) for both 1° and 2° and spheres scored 3 weeks later. g,h. Sphere assays in purified CD44+ HPCa116 (Gleason 7) cells transfected with NC or miR-34a oligos (g) or CD44− HPCa116 cells transfected with anti-NC or anti-34a oligos (h). Spheres were scored on d 15.