Fig. 4.
Splicing defects in the Mei1m1Jcs allele. (A) RT-PCR of wild-type and mutant RNAs. Lane 1, wild-type testes; lane 2, Mei1m1Jcs/+ testes; lane 3, Mei1m1Jcs/Mei1m1Jcs testes; lane 4, Atm–/– testes; lane 5, Dmc1–/– testes; lane 6, wild-type brain; lane 7, Mei1m1Jcs/Mei1m1Jcs brain. (B) Sequence analysis of wild-type and mutant transcripts. The vertical arrow indicates the beginning of exon 12. (C) Diagrams of the wild-type and mutant splicing patterns associated with exon 11. The red regions represent coding sequences and corresponding abnormal amino acids resulting from the mutant transcripts.