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. 2011 May;101(5):930–938. doi: 10.2105/AJPH.2010.300079


Descriptive Data and Univariable Analyses of Predictors of Adolescent Indoor Tanning in the Past 12 Months in the 100 Most Populous US Cities, Categorical Variables: CITY100, 2005–2007

Variablea No. (% of Sample) κb % Tanned Past 12 Mo OR (95% CI) P
Psychosocial and individual levelc
Adolescent age, y
    14 (Ref) 1486 (24.3) NA 5.5 1.00 <.001
    15 1688 (27.6) 8.1 1.50 (1.20, 2.10)
    16 1603 (26.3) 12.4 2.50 (1.90, 3.30)
    17 1330 (21.8) 16.5 3.60 (2.70, 4.70)
Adolescent sex
    Girls (Ref) 3153 (51.6) NA 17.1 1.00
    Boys 2962 (48.4) 3.2 0.16 (0.13, 0.20) <.001
Adolescent race
    Non-Hispanic White (Ref) 4135 (69.0) 0.90 12.6 1.00 <.001
    Non-Hispanic Black 447 (7.5) 0.9 0.06 (0.02, 0.17)
    Hispanic White 273 (4.6) 6.6 0.56 (0.34, 0.92)
    Otherd 1137 (18.9) 7.0 0.58 (0.45, 0.75)
Parent education
    < College degree (Ref) 2786 (46.2) NA 11.9 1.00
    ≥ College degree 3241 (53.8) 9.1 0.74 (0.63, 0.88) <.001
Household annual income
    < $40 000 (Ref) 851 (15.1) NA 7.5 1.00 <.001
    $40 000–$60 000 1040 (18.5) 8.8 1.13 (0.81, 1.59)
    > $60 000 3744 (66.4) 11.7 1.60 (1.21, 2.11)
Adolescent weekly allowance
    $0–$10 (Ref) 2017 (33.8) NA 4.9 1.00 <.001
    $11–$25 1954 (32.8) 9.3 2.10 (1.60, 2.70)
    > $25 1987 (33.4) 17.3 4.20 (3.30, 5.30)
Adolescent sun sensitivity
    Always burns, never tans 661 (10.9) 0.73 6.1 0.54 (0.38, 0.77)
    Usually burns, hard to tan 1122 (18.6) 11.7 1.10 (0.88, 1.39)
    Sometimes burns, then tans 1975 (32.8) 11.3 1.07 (0.88, 1.30)
    Rarely burns, easily tans (Ref) 2263 (37.6) 10.5 1.00 .002
Parent ever indoor tanned
    No (Ref) 4658 (77.0) NA 7.4 1.00
    Yes 1391 (23.0) 20.6 3.10 (2.60, 3.70) <.001
Parent: indoor tanning can cause skin cancer
    Agree 5012 (82.8) NA 10.9 1.30 (1.01, 1.63) .043
    Disagree or don't know (Ref) 1041 (17.2) 8.2 1.00
Parent: people with a tan look more attractive
    Agree 3896 (66.2) NA 12.6 2.10 (1.70, 2.50) <.001
    Disagree (Ref) 1987 (33.8) 6.4 1.00
Parent: concerned if adolescent tanned occasionally
    Not a lot (Ref) 2559 (42.8) NA 16.4 1.00
    A lot 3417 (57.2) 6.0 0.33 (0.27, 0.39) <.001
Adolescent: parents allow me to tan
    Strongly or somewhat disagree (Ref) 3559 (59.4) 0.94 3.0 1.00
    Strongly or somewhat agree 2434 (40.6) 21.6 8.90 (7.20, 11.10) <.001
Adolescent: most friends like to be tanned
    Strongly or somewhat disagree (Ref) 1355 (22.2) 0.87 2.2 1.00
    Strongly or somewhat agree 4745 (77.8) 12.8 6.40 (4.40, 9.30) <.001
Adolescent: my chances of skin cancer are small
    Strongly or somewhat disagree (Ref) 2820 (46.8) 0.93 10.7 1.00
    Strongly or somewhat agree 3202 (53.2) 10.2 0.94 (0.79, 1.11) .44
Adolescent: people who tan have already damaged their skin
    Disagree or don't know (Ref) 2782 (45.4) 0.96 8.7 1.00
    Agree 3342 (54.6) 11.8 1.40 (1.20, 1.70) <.001
Adolescent: indoor tanning using lamps is safer than sunlight
    Disagree or don't know (Ref) 4689 (76.6) 0.91 10.4 1.00
    Agree 1433 (23.4) 10.4 1.05 (0.86, 1.27) .65
Adolescent: indoor tanning can cause skin cancer
    Disagree or don't know (Ref) 963 (15.7) 0.65 4.8 1.00
    Agree 5161 (84.3) 11.4 2.50 (1.80, 3.40) <.001
Adolescent: skin cancer is easy to treat
    Disagree or don't know (Ref) 5690 (92.9) e 10.4 1.00
    Agree 434 (7.1) 10.1 0.98 (0.71, 1.40) .90
Adolescent: getting an indoor tan first protects from burning in the sun
    Disagree or don't know (Ref) 4050 (66.1) 0.75 7.8 1.00
    Agree 2074 (33.9) 15.5 2.20 (1.80, 2.50) <.001
Adolescent: people with tan look more attractive
    Strongly or somewhat disagree (Ref) 1650 (27.4) 0.92 4.8 1.00
    Strongly or somewhat agree 4367 (72.6) 12.6 2.90 (2.20, 3.60) <.001
Adolescent: having tan makes people look healthier
    Strongly or somewhat disagree (Ref) 2988 (49.7) 0.95 8.9 1.00
    Strongly or somewhat agree 3031 (50.3) 11.9 1.40 (1.20, 1.60) <.001
Adolescent happy with appearance
    Rarely or sometimes (Ref) 1461 (23.9) 0.91 12.2 1.00
    Often or most of time 4645 (76.1) 9.8 0.78 (0.65, 0.94) .008
Adolescent ever noticed ads for indoor tanning
    No (Ref) 1203 (19.7) e 6.3 1.00
    Yes 4899 (80.3) 11.4 1.70 (1.30, 2.20) <.001
Adolescent knows anyone personally who has had skin cancer
    No (Ref) 3638 (59.7) 0.94 9.3 1.00
    Yes 2455 (40.3) 12.1 1.30 (1.10, 1.60) .001
Built-environmental level
Proximity: adolescent lives within 2 mi of a tanning facilityf
    No 1437 (23.6) NA 7.1 1.00
    Yes 4659 (76.4) 11.3 1.52 (1.21, 1.91) <.001
Policy levelg
State law addressing minors’ use
    No 2277 (37.2) NA 12.3 1.00
    Yes 3844 (62.8) 9.2 0.72 (0.57, 0.93) .01
Annual inspection
    No 3659 (74.0) NA 9.2 1.00
    Yes 1285 (26.0) 11.3 1.30 (0.84, 1.50) .42

Notes. CI = confidence interval; CITY100 = Correlates of Indoor Tanning in Youth study; NA = data not available; OR = odds ratio.


Variables organized by levels of influence addressed by an ecological model of behavior.11


Test–retest reliability from pilot study with 32 female college students.


Variables in this category were analyzed at the individual level.


American Indian, Asian, Pacific Islander, multiethnic/multiracial, and other–unspecified.


κ could not be computed because of lack of variability; there was 100% agreement.


This variable was analyzed at the individual level.


Variables in this category were analyzed at the city level.