Figure 2.
Data from the three variable (propionate, malonate, and methylmalonate) two-level (0 mM or 20 mM) full-factorial supplementation experiment across nine strains with a variety of plasmid combinations. For all figures, on the left-hand axis −’s and +’s indicate whether the propionate pathway, the methylmalonate pathway, or the DEBS complex is included, respectively. On the right hand axis, −’s and +’s indicate whether propionate, malonate, or methylmalonate is supplemented in the medium at a concentration of 0 or 20mM, respectively. The y-axis shows (a) 6-dEB titer, (b) fraction of propionate utilized, (c) fraction of malonate utilized, (d) fraction of methylmalonate utilized, and (e) amount of acetate produced as a function of these two parameters.