Fig. 5.
A. Ca alternans due to CICR waves on alternate beats, elicited by successive voltage clamp pulses from −40 to −20 mV in a ventricular myocyte (above, from 6) and the couplon network model(below). Panels show line scans, with spatial position vertically and time horizontally. Note that the Ca waves initiate at different locations on the 1st and 3rd beats. B. Dissociation between SR Ca release and load during alternans. When heart rate was decreased (left panels) , Ca alternans resolved in a patch-clamped rabbit ventricular myocyte (above, from 32) and the 3 R model 8 (below). Left panels show that SR load (diastolic [Ca]SR) was lower during regular beating than during alternans, even though the SR depletion was larger than during the small Ca transient.