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. 2010 Nov 25;2(1):36–50.

Table 3.

Haplotter Data for SNPs captured by rs2344481 (r2>0.8)

rs6020395 YRI CEU ANS rs6021428 YRI CEU ANS
Derived allele frequency 0.467 0.933 0.978 Derived allele frequency 0.083 0.058 0.011
Standardized iHS 1.626 0.984 -0.232 Standardized iHS -0.117 -0.957 -
Fay-Wu's H -1.417 -7.631 -25.785 Fay-Wu's H -11.649 -13.473 -29.167

rs6020712 YRI CEU ANS rs6125962 YRI CEU ANS
Derived allele frequency 0.717 0.950 0.989 Derived allele frequency 0.458 0.933 0.978
Standardized iHS 0.345 1.051 - Standardized iHS 1.860 0.730 -
Fay-Wu's H -21.846 -36.428 -72.758 Fay-Wu's H -19.302 -37.773 -83.117

rs6020846 YRI CEU ANS rs6512695 YRI CEU ANS
Derived allele frequency 0.717 0.933 0.989 Derived allele frequency 0.242 0.067 0.011
Standardized iHS 0.420 0.391 - Standardized iHS 0.159 0.138 -
Fay-Wu's H -11.749 -36.683 -69.796 Fay-Wu's H -11.258 -35.959 -65.078

iHS integrated Haplotype Score; YRI Yoruba in Ibadan, Nigeria; CEU, Utah residents with Northern and Western European ancestry from the CEPH collection; ANS combined Asian Population.