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. 2011 Apr 15;7(2):145–151.

Table S3.

Percentage of peak hour vehicle-miles of travel (VMT) by PM peak hour level of service, 2008

Jurisdiction Uncongested LOS A, B, or C
Moderate Congestion LOS D
Severely Congested LOS E or F§
Total Peak Hour VMT
Total registered drivers PM Peak VMT/Driver
    Chesapeake 120,481 54.0% 58,275 26.1% 44,382 19.9% 223,138 100% 152,110 1.47
    VA Beach 235,616 54.4% 102,253 23.6% 94,934 21.9% 432,803 100% 301,218 1.44

PM peak hour level of service is defined as 1500-1900 (per HRTPO, 9/9/2010).


Level of service (LOS) is a quality measure describing operational conditions within a traffic stream, generally in terms of such service measures as speed and travel time, freedom to maneuver, traffic interruptions, and comfort and convenience. a Levels of service are categorized as A-F with A being best and F the worst.

LOS A, B, and C are defined by industry standards as uncongested.

LOS D is defined as moderate congestion.


LOS E and F are defined as severely congested.