Lateral cephalometric radiograph showing the craniofacial regions and landmarks analyzed in the study. The blue line illustrates facial structures represented by 17 landmarks: Glabella, Nasion, Rhinion, ANS, A Point, Supradentale, Posterior maxillary alveolar (most posterior cementoenamel junction not including 3rd molars), PNS, Infradentale, B Point, Pogonion, Menton, Inferior mandibular border, Antegonial notch, Gonion, Ramus flexion, Mandibular Condyle (most superior point). The green line illustrates midline cranial base structures represented by five landmarks: Anterior Cribriform, Posterior Cribriform, Posterior Spenoid plane, Base of Dorsum Sellae, Basion. The red line illustrates lateral cranial base structures represented by six landmarks: Anterior orbital roof, Posterior orbital roof, Spheno-parietal junction (center), Anterior greater sphenoid, Inferior on MCF, Petroso-parietal junction (center). The black dotted line illustrates Frankfurt horizontal plane defined by two landmarks: Porion, Orbitale.