Domain models of the 18 DENN domain-bearing proteins encoded in the human genome. The gene name is listed on the left, with the protein name in parentheses when appropriate. u, uDENN module; d, dDENN module; CB, clathrin-binding motif; PRD, proline-rich domain; AP-2IM, AP-2 interaction motif; MABP, MVB12-associated β-prism; PPR, pentatricopeptide repeat; CalB, calmodulin-binding domain; NLS, nuclear localization sequence; poly-E, polyglutamic acid domain; ISRE, interferon-stimulated response element; poly-Q, polyglutamine domain; SRD, serine-rich domain; poly-D, polyaspartic acid domain; PLAT, polycystin-1/lipoxygenase/α-toxin domain; GRAM, glucosyltransferase/Rab-like GTPase activator/myotubularin domain; pseudo-phosph, pseudo-phosphatase domain; DD, death domain.