Measurement of chromosome integrity in wild-type and mms21Δsl mutant cells. A, quantitative genetic assay for telomere marker loss and total YAC loss. The schematic shows the organization of the YACs used for the gross chromosomal rearrangement assay (adapted from Ref. 35). B, chromosome instability in mms21Δsl cells. Shown is the quantification of telomere marker loss (YAC integrity; top panels) and total YAC loss (YAC stability; bottom panels) plotted as percent loss on the y axis in WT (DH2004-1/101 and DH1003/102) and mms21Δsl (SLY1344 and SLY1348) cells that harbored the YACs PA3-I (left panels) and yWSS1572-1 (right panels). C, confirmation of telomere marker loss or chromosome breakage. Genomic DNA was prepared from randomly isolated Trp+ura− mms21Δsl cells identified in B and subjected to PCR analysis (to amplify telomere-proximal markers ADE2 and URA3 or the centromere-proximal marker TRP1) to confirm chromosome breakage in samples scored as telomere marker loss events. M, molecular weight marker; WT, PCR analysis of DNA isolated from wild-type cells bearing the intact YAC.