The Function of ABR1 Is Dependent on Nuclear Localization.
(A) Localization of ABR1- and ABR1NES-GFP fusion proteins in N. benthamiana leaves as visualized by confocal microscopy. GFP, GFP fluorescence; visible, visible light images; merged, merged images of GFP and visible light images. Bars = 50 μm.
(B) The ABR1- and ABR1NES-GFP–mediated cell death response in pepper leaves.
(C) Quantification of ABR1- and ABR1NES-GFP–mediated cell death by electrolyte leakage measurement from leaf discs.
(D) Transient expression of ABR1- and ABR1NES-GFP in N. benthamiana leaves as detected by immunoblotting.
(E) Transient expression of ABR1- and ABR1NES-GFP in pepper leaves as detected by immunoblotting.
(F) and (G) Quantification of ABA (F) and SA (G) levels in the empty vector control (35S:00) and pepper leaves transiently expressing ABR1- and ABR1NES-GFP after agroinfiltration (OD600 = 0.5). FW, fresh weight. Data are means ± sd (n = 3) from three independent experiments. Different letters indicate significant differences, as determined by Fisher's protected LSD test (P < 0.05) ([C], [F], and [G]).
[See online article for color version of this figure.]