Figure 3.
Electron Tomographic Analysis of Aleurone and Starchy Endosperm Cells at 22 DAP.
(A) Tomographic slice (4.3 nm thick) of a starchy endosperm cell containing multiple protein bodies (asterisks) within the ER. The corresponding tomographic reconstruction can be seen in Supplemental Movie 1 online.
(A’) Tomographic model derived from the tomogram depicted in (A).
(B) Tomographic slice (4.3 nm thick) of an aleurone cell. PSVs with large inclusions (asterisks) and lipid bodies (LB) are the predominant storage compartment in these cells. CW, cell wall.
(B’) Tomographic model derived from the tomogram shown in (B). For simplicity, only PSVs, prevacuolar compartments (PrVC), and a Golgi stack (G) are depicted. This is a serial tomogram reconstructed from four serial 250-nm-thick serial sections.
(C) and (C’) Tomographic slice and tomographic model of a PSV. Note the presence of a large inclusion (asterisk), intravacuolar membranes (IM), and a globoid (GL). The corresponding tomographic reconstruction can be seen in Supplemental Movie 2 online.
Bars = 100 nm.