TRPC activation alters bEnd3 monolayer permeability. bEnd3 cells were grown on permeable Transwell™ filters and barrier function was assessed by following the diffusion of [14C]sucrose across the monolayers. A) 10 U/ml thrombin caused a significant increase in barrier permeability 1 hr after the addition of the peptide, indicating that TRPC activation can lead to barrier disruption. n for each time point = 3–6. B) The increase in barrier permeability induced by 10 U/ml thrombin could be inhibited by simultaneous treatment with either 10 μM SK&F 96365 or 1 μM LOE 908, both inhibitors of the TRPC family. n for each time point = 4–9. The mean basal monolayer permeability for all experiments was 5.12 ± 0.7 × 10−4 cm/min.