(a) A typical DNP–MAS experimental pulse sequence. Continuous microwave irradiation is used to saturate the electrons in the sample, and the enhanced 1H polarization is transferred via a CP-MAS experiment to the 13C nuclei for observation. A train of saturating pulses on the 1H channel is used to ensure that all of the nuclear polarization arises from DNP. (b) 13C-urea spectra obtained from a sample doped with the biradical BT2E at a concentration of 5 mM (or 10 mM electrons), 90 K, ωr/2π = 3.5 kHz. The top row shows the enhanced signal (with microwave irradiation on) as a function of the irradiation time τDNP. The bottom row shows the 13C-urea signal in the absence of DNP (microwave irradiation off). The observed enhancement is 175 ± 25. (c) Buildup curve of the enhanced nuclear polarization (filled circles) with a time constant of 5 s, coinciding with the 1H T1 curve, measured without microwave irradiation (empty circles).