Figure 8. Examples of structures assembled with surface-tension self-folding.
a) Solder self-assembled plate with kickstands. The polysilicon plate was assembled using a ~200 μm-diameter solder sphere and is 400 μm wide by 600 μm tall. b) Surface tension-driven corner cube reflectors that interlock upon assembly, ensuring precise control over folding angles. c-e) Hollow polyhedra self-folded using the surface tension process: c) tetrahedral frustum, d) irregular octahedron, and e) dodecahedron. f) SEM image of a porous cubic container showing precisely structured 50-mm porous arrays patterned through all surfaces.
a) Reproduced with permission from Reference [159]. Copyright 2000, Elsevier. b) Reproduced with permission from Reference [161]. Copyright 2005, IOP Publishing.