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. 2011 Mar 28;7:20. doi: 10.1186/1744-8069-7-20

Table 2.

Targets for prevention of LTP induction.

Target Substance Action at target HFS LFS Opioid with- drawal in vivo in vitro Comments References Effect of equivalent drugs on hyperalgesia induction*
AMPAR AMPAR NBQX antagonist X WDR neuron AP firing [30] X [273]

NMDAR NMDAR AP5, D-AP5, MK 801, ketamine antagonist X X X NMDAR antagonists also prevent LTP induced by nerve transsection [11], BDNF [140] and LTP of human pain perception [20] [4,7,13,17,21,42,83,101,102,134,268,274] X [275]
NMDA-2B R Ro 25-6981 antagonist X WDR neuron AP firing [276,277] X [276]

mGluRs mGluRI AIDA, 4-CPG antagonist X X The mGluR1 antagonist LY367385 reduces long-lasting facilitation of presynaptic excitation [32] (optical imaging) [38,40] X [278-280]
mGluRII, III EGLU, LY341495, MSOP antagonist 0 [40]

VGCC T-type VDCC mibefradil, Ni2+ antagonist X X [4,7,17]
α2δ-subunit of VGCCs gabapentin 0 [65] 0 [60,62]

NK1R NK1R RP67580, 703,606 antagonist X X [3,4,7,17] X [69,281]

GABAAR GABAAR diazepam Current amplifier X [70]

Opioid receptors μ-opioid receptors fentanyl, DAMGO agonist X X Drugs depress baseline responses. Fentanyl prevents LTP at low but not high doses [6,83] X [282]

Descending inhibition α2- adrenergic receptors clonidine agonist X [90] X [283] (human capsicin model)
5-HT3 receptor odansetron antagonist X WDR neuron AP firing [31]
D1/D5 dopamine receptor SCH 23390 antagonist 0 Selectively blocks L-LTP but not E-LTP [91]

Anaesthetic gases isoflurane, sevoflurane, urethane 0 0 0 [3,4,6,7,21] and others
Xenon X [92]

Neurotrophins TrkB receptor K252a, TrkB- Fc Trk inhibitor, BNDF scavenger 0 0 Blocks L-LTP after LFS [140] X [284]

EphR-ephrin signalling EphB R EphB1-Fc EphB2-Fc antagonist X [101,102] X [100,102,285,286]
EphB R ephrinB1-Fc agonist 0 [101,102]

NO-pathway NOS L-NMMA, L-NAME inhibitor X X [14,29]: deep dorsal horn. Induction of long-lasting facilitation of presynaptic electrical activity by LFS is reduced by blockers of nNOS and iNOS [32] (optical imaging) [4,14] X [14,287,288]
extracellular NO PTIO, hemoglobin scavenger X X [4,14] X [289] (NMDA-induced hyperalgesia)
sGC ODQ, MD inhibitor X X [4,29]
mono-, poly ADPRT nicotonamide, benzamide inhibitor 0 [29]

Signal transduction pathways CaMKII KN-93, AIP, NK-62 inhibitor X X 0 [4,7,21,143] X [290]
PKA Rp-CPT-cAMPS inhibitor X [143] X [291,292] (hyperalgesia induced by CGRP/subcutaneous bee venom injury)
PKC Chelerythrine, Gö 6983, GF109203X inhibitor X X X [4,7,21,143] X
PLC U73122 inhibitor X X [4,7,17] X [293]
IP3R 2-APB inhibitor X X [4,17]
RyR Dantrolene, ryanodine inhibitor X X X [7,21,108]
ERK PD98059 inhibitor X [110] X [294]
JNK SP600125 inhibitor 0 Same drugs prevent induction of LTP by TNF-α in neuropathic rats [111] X [295]
p38 MAPK SB203580 inhibitor 0 [111] X [296,297]

Glial cells/neuroimmune mechanisms Glial metabolism fluorocitrate inhibitor X Deep dorsal horn. Under fluorocitrate, HFS induces LTD. Also blocks induction of long-lasting potentiation of presynaptic electrical activity by LFS [32] (optical imaging) [114] X [298]
Microglia metabolism minocycline inhibitor X Under minocycline, HFS induces LTD [113] X [299]
Microglia SKF (Src-family kinases) PP2, SU6656 inhibitor X HFS activates SFKs selectivey in microglia. Under SKF inhibitors, HFS induces LTD [113] X [124]
GLT-1 DHK inhibitor X Deep dorsal horn [128] X [300]
TNF α receptor TNF-α agonist 0 [111] X [301]
TNF-α TNF-α antibody inhibitor Optical imaging [123] X [302,303]
IL-6 IL-6 antibody inhibitor after bulk loading of voltage-sensitive dye; LTP induced by αβmeATP X [123] X [304] mechanical hyperalgesia induced by fractalkine injection; [297]

X, complete block or significant inhibition of LTP induction (left part of the table) or hyperalgesia induction (right part of the table)

0, no effect on LTP induction

* Gives example of reports where spinal administration of drugs before induction of hyperalgesia prevented or significantly depressed or delayed the development of hyperalgesia in response to peripheral inflammation, nerve injury or LTP-inducing conditioning stimulation. Where other stimuli were used to induce hyperalgesia, this is indicated. For a more complete review of drugs influencing hyperalgesia and allodynia, see [2].